The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!

The Drawn Together Movie The Movie also known as The Drawn Together Movie or Drawn Together The Movie is a 2010 animated directtoDVD American comedy film written and produced by original writers and executive producers Dave Jeser and Matt Silverstein and directed by Greg Franklin. The film is the first Drawn Together release since the TV shows cancellation, and the film itself deals with it.

In Bedrock, a drunken and pregnant Toot is informed that someone has come to see her. The visitor turns out to be her old housemate Foxxy Love, who tries to tell her that their lives are in danger. This then flashes back to six months prior. Foxxy discovers that she can swear without being censored. When she discovers the shows control room, she realizes that the TV show Drawn Together has been cancelled. The housemates check their TV listings and find out that their time slot had been taken over by a TV show called The Suck My Taint Show. Foxxy calls the network to find out why they were cancelled. The Network Head, upon hearing from Foxxy, learns that the housemates are still alive and summons I.S.R.A.E.L. Intelligent Smart Robot Animation Eraser Lady, a robot designed specifically to erase cartoon characters. The Jew Producer warns the housemates before I.S.R.A.E.L. shows up, but he manages to escape just in time inside Foxxys van.Once they escape from I.S.R.A.E.L., Foxxy insists that the way for them to survive is to get their TV show back on the air, and suggests that they can seek out the Suck My Taint Girl for help. Clara, refusing to believe that she is not a real princess, wants to return to her kingdom, claiming that her father can protect them. Captain Hero, Xandir, and LingLing decide to go with Clara, while Spanky and Wooldoor decide to go with Foxxy to try to get their show back on the air. While the others are arguing, Toot steals the van and drives off alone. ........

Source: Wikipedia